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Eligibility Period:
New Rake Race every month

How to Qualify:
- Download the Poker Software and create a Poker Account
- Play Real Money Games and accumulate Rake
- Climb the leaderboards!
About the Rake Race
Play real money poker games to climb the leaderboards for a chance at one of 100 cash prizes being given away this month! New Rake Race every month at 00:00 PT / 02:00 CT.
Compete with other players on the Canadian Poker Network and the top 100 rakers at the end of the month will win a cash prize!
See Payout Structure for weekly payouts.
What is Rake?
In our Cash/Ring Games, Rake is the amount of money that comes out of the pot for the House. In our Tournaments (Single Table or Multi Table), every tournament entry has a + number. In the example below, the +10 is the Rake.
$100+10 (Total Buy In = $110, $100 to the prizepool, $10 to the rake)
Payout Structure
For cash games, a player’s total rake for the table is allocated to the rake race at the time a player leaves the table. For tournaments, a player’s rake is allocated to the rake race at the time a tournament ends.
More Info Player Agreement [340KB]
Conditions [207KB]
DISCLAIMER: In the event of a discrepancy between the posted conditions on this site and the official conditions, the latter shall prevail.
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