Internet Explorer support ending
As of January 1st, 2020, no longer provides browser support for IE 11. If you choose to use IE 11 we cannot guarantee you will be able to login or use the site. We advise you switch to the latest version of either Edge, Firefox or Chrome.
PlayNow Poker for Mac
The software is simple to use and available for download across a wide range of platforms. To start playing, download PlayNow Poker and install our software on your device. We are also available on Windows, iOS and Android devices. Ready to get started?

Step 1: Download & Install
First, download the software and click 'Save File' when prompted. The software will be saved to either your desktop or 'Downloads' folder. It may take a few minutes for Poker software to download.

Step 2: Create A Free Account
Select ' REGISTER'. You will be asked to create a account. Then select ' Continue' to proceed to the next section of the quick registration process.

Step 3: Start Playing Poker Now
To find a game, use the tabs in the lobby. From there you can select whatever game you want to play and set your
You can also search for specific tables, limits or formats by clicking on your chosen game
tab and then using the filter buttons to define your search.